Tweeters at #EASD2016 – For those of us not fortunate enough to be able to attend The European Association for the Study of Diabetes conference, thankfully due to social media, there are some kind tweeters out there giving us a feel for the advances, studies, trials, and what is going on in the world of diabetes. Thanks to everyone for sharing, enabling us to somewhat keep up with it all!
The mission of EASD is to promote excellence in diabetes care through research and education.
Most important features of Accu-Chek Insight CGM. Accuracy most important. #diabetesmeetup #EASD2016
— Renza / Diabetogenic (@RenzaS) September 12, 2016
More and more evidence stacking up to support CGM…
— Fraser Gibb (@drfrasergibb) September 15, 2016
Getting an exclusive preview of the new Accu-Chek Insight CGM system. #diabetesmeetup #Roche #EASD2016
— Diabetesia (@Diabetesia) September 12, 2016
#EASD2016 News: 50% of type 1 #diabetes develops after age 30, dispelling myth that it is a juvenile disease only.
— Medscape (@Medscape) September 22, 2016
Faster aspart used with CSII has the potential to improve post prandial glucose with lower risk of late post-meal hypoglycaemia #EASD2016
— IPN-UK (@uk_ipn) September 16, 2016
Hallelujah! #EASD2016
— Renza / Diabetogenic (@RenzaS) September 14, 2016
#EASD2016 – do PWD belong at health conferences. Do this survey! (Spoiler alert – the answer is YES!)
— Renza / Diabetogenic (@RenzaS) September 14, 2016