My Diabetes My Way reaches more patients with diabetes in Scotland Diabetes My Way reaches over 15,000 Scottish Patients with Diabetes and the good news is it has received funding to continue further development and rollout. The last time I posted the registered patients stood at 12,500! We think it’s a fantastic resource for people with diabetes and the team that run it are great too!

my diabetes my way is the NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.

There are over 250,000 people with diabetes in Scotland – that’s around one person in every twenty.

If you haven’t yet registered, why not do it now?  It’s free and seeing your results and targets can really help you manage your diabetes better. You’ll also find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes, but without a doubt the best part of My diabetes My Way is using it to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, there are lots of great books and groups around to help educate you on making changes and managing your diabetes well.

Here are examples of results you can see:  Historical HbA1c

My Diabetes My Way HbA1c results

Personalised Target Chart

my target chart my diabetes my way

Diabetes Research Needs Your Help

Almost one in every eighteen people in Scotland has diabetes; that’s over 291,981 individuals, and the numbers are increasing every year. Over 30,000 have Type 1 Diabetes and this is also increasing every year.  If diabetes is not well-managed it can cause major health problems.

Joining the SHARE/SDRN research registers allows you to be matched to, and contacted about, relevant research suited to you. If you are contacted, you will be given all the information you need and it will ALWAYS be your choice whether you wish to take part.

You can join today by visiting or if you would rather be posted a leaflet or would like to find out more please call 01382 383230/ 383595/ 383471 or email / The leaflet is free to return and you can find out more here:

iPAG Scotland and Type 1 Diabetes in Scotland are both excellent Facebook groups for people with Type 1 Diabetes

Register on my diabetes my way here